The Girls

The Girls

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So, the month of October is really coming out of the girls. What I mean and is that ghost and goblins are taking over their bodies. They are getting into things, tearing their room apart throwing toys around and Keani is making scaring sounds. Sounds to me that they are getting ready for Halloween. The monster in them are really coming out. I am really afraid what they will do on Halloween night. (just kidding)
Anyways, things are going really good. Kira is finally receiving all of her services to help her develop correctly for example physical therapy, feeding therapy, speech therapy, behavioral therapy, and extra services at her preschool. I can already see small improvements in her.
For Keani, well for her she is a 2 year old how much more do I need to say???
Jesse is doing okay he likes his new job, but he says its boring hopefully he doesn't fall asleep.
I like my new job it pretty much the same like Holiday Inn. We are both making new friends.
And adapting to Idaho Falls.


~Michaela said...

Sounds like lots of Halloween fun :) I think I might be the only one that is excited for Halloween over here. It's not all that celebrated over here in Sweden.
That sounds GREAT that Kira is getting all of the assistance that she needs to develop just right. I'm so happy for you. I hope that I get to see you soon.


Sounds like Halloween is fun at your house. HAHA It is good to hear from you. Hope things are going very good for you and your family.

Love ya Carrie